When a cardiologist wishes to see how a patient’s heart is working, he sometimes places wires on the patient’s body, through which the heart’s function is recorded for 24 hours.
Let us all make a similar recording of our spiritual heart…, i.e. our ‘nous’ (mind):
Where is the mind? Where does the mind stand? Where to does the mind run? Where to does the mind wander?
We shall see, my dear ones, that most of the time our mind is either imagining things (i.e. imagining futile and useless things) or it is frivolously reasoning (and ‘talking’) or is not seriously occupied…
That is, it rarely dwells on the good, on the useful, on the beneficial, on the god-pleasing, on what is necessary…
This is the all-embracing cause why we are all full of anxiety and worries and in pain, both mentally and physically…
And this, without understanding…the cause of all our suffering…
So, as the saying goes, “let us keep our mind where we should have it”. Let us concentrate in confining it to what is good and beneficial and necessary…
For, at the end of the day, you are what you think… and you become one with what your mind dwells on and engages in…
Let us therefore, my brethren, take heed, and let us look closely to our minds (this is what is called sobriety), for it is our mind and our thoughts that determine this life of ours…
I pray that we all succeed in this in the New Year!!!
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