How captivating this word is!!!
All people, the whole world is searching for it…
And this is because it is inherent in man from the time he was created to try to live this experience…
However, many people look for it in the wrong things (money, glory, carnal pleasures and the like), which, at the end of the day, bring unhappiness! (instead of happiness).
The soul of man, my brethren, is created by the “breath” of God and only near God and Creator does it find true rest, peace, tranquillity and happiness!
I come now to what I would like to touch upon:
Man’s conscience is the voice of God within us!
Our conscience is also the capability that God has placed within us, so that on the basis of certain innate moral principles, we may distinguish good from evil.
Somewhere in the Gospel, Jesus says:
“Agree with your adversary (that is, with your conscience) quickly, while you are on the same path with him (i.e. in your present life)” (Mt 5:25). Otherwise, if we do not come into a settlement, our end will be…hell – both in this life and in the life to come!
We have said in one of our Greek talks (click) that conscience is our best friend, who points out our errors or tells us what to do in every situation. And we clarified that this gentle voice of conscience always comes first, telling you to do or not to do something.
When you face a situation, and your conscience (that first and low muffled voice) tells you “do not do this”, listen to it and do not do it; you will not regret it! And not only you will not regret it, but (if you listen to it) you will be very happy afterwards!  However if, by any chance, you do not listen to it, you will badly regret it afterwards!
I now come back to the subject of happiness:
Do you, my brethren, wish to sail in the seas of joy and happiness?
Do you wish to feel beautiful?
Try to get along well with your conscience…
Do not do anything that your conscience does not agree with!
Listen to its first voice…
In fact be ready to sacrifice every “interest” (material, physical), every unjust “gain”, every illegal “pleasure”, every wrongful act, at any cost! Just ensure to comply with the voice of your conscience…
And if you happen to disobey it, repent immediately! Acknowledge and admit your mistake before God and make a firm commitment that next time, you will listen to your conscience and comply with its suggestions…
By doing so, you will be in peace with your conscience; you will be companion with its beautiful friendship, and this will give you infinite peace, tranquillity and happiness…
It will give you a paradise in this present life… but it will also provide you the desired Paradise, in the future and eternal life!
Behold the desired happiness, my brethren!
I wish it to all of us!

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