Repetition, my brethren, is the mother of learning:
Saying the
prayer continually and believing that the good
God will
take care of
our problems, one by one, is
good and
pleasing to God; at the same time
believing that in the end whatever is said in the
services is
done, achieved and
experienced. These are the
keys that greatly
help us in our
spiritual life and journey…
When, for example, we sing in the Church the Hymn,
“Today hanging on the Cross…”, let us
believe that we are
crucifying ourselves with
Him, our
passions and our
carnal desires and let us believe that He will eventually
give it to us…. (of course, with our prayers and our cooperation).
When we say, “for our
deliverance from all
affliction, wrath, danger, distress and need….” let us
believe that
it is done (i.e. it will be
applied to us), and that He will
save us from any
temptation and
With this
faith, then, let us
experience, let us
live all that is
said, both in the
Church –through the Holy
Services- and each day and hour through the
comprehensive and
all-powerful Jesus Prayer, as we have analyzed in previous Paternal Advices.
spiritual life, my brethren, is
lived according to the degree of one’s
purity and
humility! One
experiences it (the spiritual life) according to the
degree he
lives it…
There are many
mysteries in the
spiritual life, and many
spiritual pleasures…
The spiritual man
lives a daily
feast, as
St. Paisios the Athonite would tell us!
All the above, we
wish to all of us
Christ and His
all-Holy Mother always be
with us!